Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Daily Mails front cover

What was the task you were assigned?

We were told to create our own Daily Mail front cover by taking inspiration from covers online.

What programme did you use to complete your task?
We used Microsoft Publisher.

What tools did you use to create your task?

I used a range of tools:

  • Text adaptation.
  • Background remover
  • Photo editing.
What were the biggest obstacles to completing your task?

I found that getting the all of the text to look similar to the original fonts and styles hard. I also struggled getting the story text small enough to match the original.

Describe your production and why you chose the various text headings and images.

I chose the masthead to have a small amount of alliteration in order to captivate the reader and interest them.
By pitting the Queen and the new member of the Royal Family against each other, it makes for an interesting story to read.
Ant and Dec are an extremely famous duo, and recently there has been issues with them, so by including them it is interesting to the reader.

What was your initial feedback? What did others say about your production?

It took me quite a few goes to get my cover to look similar to the original, and each time I was told to make my text smaller or thicker to reflect the text of a traditional Daily Mail cover. When i had finished, I had feedback of it looking like a Daily Mail cover, and that my masthead was witty and captivating.

Identify what went well and in hindsight what you would improve.

WWW - I think I manged to make a cover that looks almost like a traditional Daily Mail cover. I made sure to manage my time on certain things so I didn't fall behind.
EBI -  I made three columns of writing instead of two, to make it look more traditional.

News topics from the past couple of years, presentations and notes from others'