Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Music Video Analysis - Corinne Bailey Rae

Corinne Bailey Rae - Stop Where You Are (2016)

  • Her music was a hybrid of soul/pop, with a strong British vibe.
  • Bailey Rae was named the number-one predicted breakthrough act of 2006.
  • In 2008 her husband died and it took her a long time to emerge again with new music.
  • Stop Where You are was released in 2016 as a single from the album 'The Heart Speaks in Whispers'.
  • Bailey Rae says: "Stop Where You Are is about being present, stopping and celebrating what's happening right at this very movement.
D - Disability
None visible
R - Regionalism
C - Class
Middle Class
A - Age
G - Gender
E - Ethnicity
S - Sexuality
Not explicit 

Notes on the video:
  • In the video, she uses stereotypical undesirable people.
  • She is dressed in red throughout the video, it makes her stand out form the other characters in the video.
  • The video is very 'flowy' and free.
  • On the build up the song, the video become slow motion to emphasise it.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Titanium Music Video Analysis

Titanium - David Guetta ft. Sia

- Song was written by Sia, David Guetta, Glorgio Tuinfort and Afrokjack.
- Released in December 2011.
- Titanium is a ballad which draws from the genre of house and urban dance.
- The supernatural scene and suburban setting in the video recalls the science fiction film Super 8 in which Lee (the main boy in the video) stars.

Intro to the song:
- The song lyrics are about inner strength and not being knocked down by everyday struggles.
- The music video does not feature appearances by Guetta or Sia. Instead, the video focuses on a young boy played by actor Ryan Lee with supernatural powers.
- The music video for 'Titanium' was directed by David Wilson and premiered December 2011.

- Supernatural
- Special Powers
- Puberty affecting body and mind
- Inner strength
- Standing up for what you believe in
- Adults vs Children

D - Describe
I - Information
S - Settings

  • North America, Winter, Suburban town
  • School - Opens with young boy laying on the floor in the corridor
  • Down a suburban street - Young boy is cycling down the road
  • House - The young boy is trying to get away in an empty house
  • Woods - The young boy is running away from people

T - Themes

  • Supernatural
  • Special Powers
  • Inner strength
  • Panic
  • Violence

I - Icons

  • Gloves and hat - Conceals his body so he's not exposed
  • Teddy Bear - Shows he is still only a child
  • Bike - Allows him to get away from things quickly

N - Narrative

  • A young child who have some sort of special ability. He's caused damage somewhere and is trying to get away.
  • He leaves the school on his bike and makes his way to an empty house.
  • When in his house, he packs his bag full of things before leaving out the back door away from the police.
  • He enters the woods and starts running away from the people chasing him.
  • The end scene shows the young boy on the floor curled up in a ball where a glowing yellow light is being emitted.

C - Characters

  • Young child in his teens 
  • Scared teacher on the phone to authorities
  • Police officers 
  • SWAT team 
  • Two jogging ladies

T - Textual Analysis:

When the young boy hears the knock on the door signifying the police are outside, there is a worm eye medium long shot, looking up at the boy. This particular camera shot could suggest that he is not going to let whatever happened get him down and defeat him, instead he's going to rise above it. In this shot, he is wearing a red beanie hat, the lighting is quite dim but everything is easily visible. there is only the young boy in the shot, and he doesn't seem to have any makeup on. There are no significant props in this particular shot as he is in his empty house about to leave.

Editing and Sound:

G - Genre: Sci-fi Action
I - Instruments: Percussion, Synthesizers, Vocals, 
L - Lyrics: "You shoot me down, but I want fall" - shows inner strength and how he isn't going to be knocked down by everyday struggles
E - Emotions: Anxious and on edge, but also powerful.

S - Screen Time: The most screen time is on the main boy (Ryan Lee)
T - Transitions: Smooth transitions makes it easy it follow and watch.
O - Order of Narrative: Linear order, they follow a story line.
P - Pace: Various paces, they speed parts up but also have sections in slow motion
S - SFX: Floating bears, Keys flying to his hand, Electric ball in the end scene.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Music Video Analysis Practise

This is America - Childish Gambino

F - Frame
A - Angle
M - Movement

Mise En Scene:
C - Costume
L - Lighting
A - Actor
M - Makeup
P - Props

S - Screen Time
T - Transitions
O - Order of Narrative
P - Pace

1. How is this video commenting on historical, social, cultural and political issues?
Dancing and shocking violence with the uncomfortable juxtaposition with reference to black lives and culture.
2. What is the role of Glover in the video?
He is a microcosm for America.
3. How does this promote him as an artist?
He come across as someone who values equality and wants to see social change.
4. In the opening scenes, Glover uses grotesque smiles and exaggerated poses, why?
Glover was commenting o racism by referring to Jim Crow and how black people were used as entertainment. 
5. Guns vs black lives - what representation is constructed here?
Guns are treated better than black lives: the gun is carried off carefully by a nicely-dressed man.
6. What is the significance of the choir?
A direct reference to the 2015 Charleston massacre in a church. 
7. Camera pan to black men on mobiles? What is the significance of this?
Refers to the case of Stephen Clark, shot dead because they thought he was armed when in actual fact he only had an iphone on him.
8. Why the White horse in the background of the frame?
Refers to the Bible, Revelations 6:8
9. Juxtaposition of dancing and violence, why?
Could be read as people happily adopting black culture and turning a blind eye to the violence it can affect on black people.
10. What do the empty cars and burning police car signify?
The empty cars could possibly signify black stereotypes and how they could be potentially 'stolen'
11. What is the significance of 17 seconds of silence?
The seventeen second pause in the music video help represent and signifies the seventeen children killed in a school shooting in America.
12. What is the intertextual reference in the closing scene?
The intertextual reference in the closing scene is a reference to the movie 'Get Out' and how they are trying to escape from something.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Charity Essay

Analyse how social and cultural context can influence advertising. Use figure 3 to support your answer.
In your answer:
- Analyse how social and cultural influence advertising
- Make judgements and reach a conclusion on why they advertised in this way
(15 marks)
Advertising such as the shelter campaign are hard hitting and make audiences aware of life threatening problems happening in modern society such as homelessness which is being demonstrated in figure three.
By using a subject that is sensitive to some people and can affect many people lives one way or another it influences the importance of the advertisement and how people view it.
For example, in this advertisement, it showcases the damage things like debt and loosing a job can lead to. The people used in the advert look like normal everyday people. By illustrating them in this way, it pronounces the importance of the issue being raised in the advert.
The actors used in the campaign are looking directly at the camera with a concerned facial expression and the language used suggests that the main person in the posters is using direct address to almost communicate with the reader and get their attention to help them. This can also be seen in the type of language used such as "I can't face it" the negativity used represents that the woman is looking for help. They also use rhetorical questions to make the audience think about what they can do to help and to contribute to the social issue.
In the campaign, they use both male and females, that way they publicise that the problems could happen to anyone and that it's not just prone to one gender, it also takes away from the stereotypical thoughts of a homeless person as the people in the advert look like everyday people.
Shelter campaign use adults in their advert as they are more relatable to the target audience.
In conclusion, social and cultural context influence advertising by relating to the target audience and showcasing modern problems that are becoming more of an issue over time.

Shelter Campaign Analysis