Friday, October 19, 2018

Original Advert

Our advert is: Sports drinks for women over 50.
Starting notes for our advert:
> Netball courts
> Teachers playing netball?
> Drink - close up of it to see the label
> Louis = making the music for the advert
> Show product at the end of the advert as well as throughout
> Light blue and lime green logo
> Regan (me) shooting = young teacher
> Natural lighting = outside
> People doing exercise/moving in the background (blurred) with the product next to a netball (in focus) - low angle
> Teacher wearing darker clothes and when it switches to Regan, brighter clothes are worn to show youth
> "Be young, be free, be healthy!" = slogan

EVALUATION: The task that we were given was to create an advert based on a sports drink for women over 50. The name of our brand was REFUEL. We tried to sell the product by showing an older woman holding the product and then turning into a younger and quicker woman. I worked with Maisie, Regan and Ami. Filming was mainly on Ami as we were using her camera and iPad. Planning was all of us but I came up with the general idea for the advert. Maisie and I both did some research for the advert. Ami made the logo with her iPad for our sports drink. I dedicated herself as the "director" and Maisie got a lot of the props included in the advert.
We planned our filming by focusing firstly on the easier and shorter shots. For example, we started by filming Mrs Cooper as she is a teacher and has a busy schedule so we based a lot of the filming around when she was free as well as all of us. We planned our advert the first day we found out what it would be based on and we developed the ideas as time went on. Initially, we were going to make a harder advert to film however, we didn't have a lot of time to complete the advert so we had to change our plans.
Our sequence wasn't as successful as we originally thought but we had to change everything based around what we had and how long we had to do it. What went well was our different ideas about the camera angles. movements and shots throughout the advert. Also, we managed well to incorporate everyone in the group into the visual aspect of the advert.
However, we could have worked a lot quicker in the organisation and preparation of the advert as we were discussing everything longer than we spent filming.
From this task ,we have learnt teamwork skills and how to handle everyone's different perspectives and opinions on certain things. Our communication improved the longer we spent on our advert and we did have to compromise quite a lot due to different hurdles during the production.
In future products, what we have learnt from this will be useful as we can plan a lot quicker and dedicate more time to the actual filming and editing of the advert. Communication is very important and so now having the extra knowledge that we didn't have before, we will be able to make a more successful advert.

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