Sunday, September 8, 2019

Intro to Context

Introduction to Context -


When did David Cameron announce a referendum?
February 2016, David Cameron announced that the UK Government would formally recommend to the British people that the UK should remain a member of a reformed European Union and that a referendum would be held on 23rd June, starting the official launch of the campaign.

Why did David Cameron announce a referendum?

David Cameron announced that he would be campaigning for Britain to remain within a "reformed EU". The end result of Brexit resulted in approximately 52% of people in favour of leaving the European Union and 48% against. As a result of this, Cameron announced that he would resign the office of Prime Minister by October 2016 saying "I do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination."

Who were the leavers/Remainers?

England: 53.4% Leave - 46.6% Remain
Northern Ireland: 44.2% Leave - 55.8% Remain
Scotland: 38.0% Leave - 62% Remain
Wales: 52.5% Leave - 47.5% Remain



After David Cameron resigned who was running for leadership?
Theresa May
Andrea Leadsom
Michael Gove
Stephen Crabb
Liam Fox

Who ran for recent Tory Leadership?

Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt went head-to-head to become the next Tory leader and prime minister.

Who is leader of the Lib Dems?

Jo Swinson is the current leader of the Liberal Democrats.

General Election Results:

8th June 2017 - Theresa May (Conservative) - 650 seats
                          Boris Johnson (Conservative) - Snap election


Queen Elizabeth - Prince Phillip
Kate Middleton - Prince William
Meghan Markle - Prince Harry
Zara Phillips - Mike Tindall
Princess Eugenie - Jack Brooksbank

Queens 90th Birthday:

A celebration was held over the weekend of the 10th-12th June 2016 to celebrate Her Majesty's official birthday.

Royal Babies:

Terrorism and Hatred:

Westminster Bridge:
22 March 2017, a terrorist attack took place along the South side of Westminster Bridge and Bridge street, injuring more than 50 people. The attacker drove a car into pedestrians on the pavement. He then crashed the car into the perimeter fence of the palace grounds and ran into New Palace yard where he stabbed an unarmed police officer. He was then shot by an armed police officer and died at the scene.

London Bridge & Borough

3 June 2017, a van was deliberately driving into pedestrians on London Bridge before crashing into the south bank of the River Thames. Its three occupants then ran to the nearest Borough Market area and began stabbing people in and around restaurants and pubs. The attackers were shot dead by Metropolitan Police officers and were found wearing fkae explosive vests.

Finsbury Park Mosque:
19 June 2017, a van was driven into pedestrians in Finsbury Park. This attack occurred 100 yards from Finsbury Park Mosque. 


22 May 2017, an attack performed by a suicide bomber at Manchester Arena following a concert by Ariana Grande killed 23 people and injured 139.

Jo Cox:

Jo Cox was a British politician who was a member of the Labour Party until her murder in 2016 where she was shot and stabbed multiple times in Birstall by a local man with far right sympathies named Thomas Alexander.

Syrian War:

The Syrian Civil War is an ongoing multi-sided civil war in Syria International Community's Syrian peace process and Safe Zones are aimed in finding a solution to cessation of the conflict and return of the refugees, which the displaced Syrians are part of European migrant crisis. Human rights violations have been numerous and serious, massacres, barrel bomb attacks and use of chemical weapons are part of prosecution of war criminals.

Specific UK Issues:
Grenfell Tower:
14 June 2017, a fire broke out in the 24-storey Grenfell Tower block just before 1:00am. It caused 72 deaths. The fire highlighted the flammable panels that covered part of the exterior, the lack of sprinklers, a lack of safety inspections, and that the stay pit policy did not suit a building where compatmentalisation had failed.


A 2018 British political scandal concerning people who were wrongly detained, denied legal rights, threatened with deportation, and, in at least 83 cases, wrongly deproted from the UK by the Home Office. Many of the affected had been born in Britain before 1973.


More than 300 hospital staff were to strike over what union leaders have describes as the "back door privitisation" of the NHS. The seven day strike comes after calls for the Conservative government to scrap legalisation that has led to the widspread privatisation of healthcare. The maximum waiting time for non-urgent consultant-led treatments is 18 weeks.

#METOO Campaign:
The Me Too Movement is a movement against sexual harassment and sexal assult. The movement began to spread virally in October 2017 as a hashtag on social media in an attempt to demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assult and harassment, especially in the work place.


BLM is a campaign that acts against violence and systemic racism towards balck people. BLM regularly holds protests speaking out against police killings of black people, and broader issues such as racial profiling, police brutality and racial inequality in the United States criminal justice system.


Thursday, July 4, 2019

PPE Feedback - DIRT Sheet

Exam - Media language and representation.

Exam Layout:
- Bullet points are there to help answer the question.

Analyses of the advert:
- Highlight the woman more as she is the new product being released.
- 50/50 advert between male and female.
- Hyper stereotypical advert
- Very sexualised advert
- All the little details in the advert go together (Fire crackers and wires on the blowtorch are the same colour)

Analyses of The Big Issue:
- Make sure to comment in the intertexuality and what other things could link into the subject.
- How does the typography fit in with the magazine?
- Give the date of the magazines issue.
- Shouldn't just be description, you need to add analyses.

Analyses of the music video:
- Representation used in Corrine Bailey Rays "Stop Where You Are"s music video.
- Make sure to use camera shot language to discuss what's going on and the significance of it.
- What is the main artists role and message and the importance behind it?

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Music Video Analysis - Corinne Bailey Rae

Corinne Bailey Rae - Stop Where You Are (2016)

  • Her music was a hybrid of soul/pop, with a strong British vibe.
  • Bailey Rae was named the number-one predicted breakthrough act of 2006.
  • In 2008 her husband died and it took her a long time to emerge again with new music.
  • Stop Where You are was released in 2016 as a single from the album 'The Heart Speaks in Whispers'.
  • Bailey Rae says: "Stop Where You Are is about being present, stopping and celebrating what's happening right at this very movement.
D - Disability
None visible
R - Regionalism
C - Class
Middle Class
A - Age
G - Gender
E - Ethnicity
S - Sexuality
Not explicit 

Notes on the video:
  • In the video, she uses stereotypical undesirable people.
  • She is dressed in red throughout the video, it makes her stand out form the other characters in the video.
  • The video is very 'flowy' and free.
  • On the build up the song, the video become slow motion to emphasise it.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Titanium Music Video Analysis

Titanium - David Guetta ft. Sia

- Song was written by Sia, David Guetta, Glorgio Tuinfort and Afrokjack.
- Released in December 2011.
- Titanium is a ballad which draws from the genre of house and urban dance.
- The supernatural scene and suburban setting in the video recalls the science fiction film Super 8 in which Lee (the main boy in the video) stars.

Intro to the song:
- The song lyrics are about inner strength and not being knocked down by everyday struggles.
- The music video does not feature appearances by Guetta or Sia. Instead, the video focuses on a young boy played by actor Ryan Lee with supernatural powers.
- The music video for 'Titanium' was directed by David Wilson and premiered December 2011.

- Supernatural
- Special Powers
- Puberty affecting body and mind
- Inner strength
- Standing up for what you believe in
- Adults vs Children

D - Describe
I - Information
S - Settings

  • North America, Winter, Suburban town
  • School - Opens with young boy laying on the floor in the corridor
  • Down a suburban street - Young boy is cycling down the road
  • House - The young boy is trying to get away in an empty house
  • Woods - The young boy is running away from people

T - Themes

  • Supernatural
  • Special Powers
  • Inner strength
  • Panic
  • Violence

I - Icons

  • Gloves and hat - Conceals his body so he's not exposed
  • Teddy Bear - Shows he is still only a child
  • Bike - Allows him to get away from things quickly

N - Narrative

  • A young child who have some sort of special ability. He's caused damage somewhere and is trying to get away.
  • He leaves the school on his bike and makes his way to an empty house.
  • When in his house, he packs his bag full of things before leaving out the back door away from the police.
  • He enters the woods and starts running away from the people chasing him.
  • The end scene shows the young boy on the floor curled up in a ball where a glowing yellow light is being emitted.

C - Characters

  • Young child in his teens 
  • Scared teacher on the phone to authorities
  • Police officers 
  • SWAT team 
  • Two jogging ladies

T - Textual Analysis:

When the young boy hears the knock on the door signifying the police are outside, there is a worm eye medium long shot, looking up at the boy. This particular camera shot could suggest that he is not going to let whatever happened get him down and defeat him, instead he's going to rise above it. In this shot, he is wearing a red beanie hat, the lighting is quite dim but everything is easily visible. there is only the young boy in the shot, and he doesn't seem to have any makeup on. There are no significant props in this particular shot as he is in his empty house about to leave.

Editing and Sound:

G - Genre: Sci-fi Action
I - Instruments: Percussion, Synthesizers, Vocals, 
L - Lyrics: "You shoot me down, but I want fall" - shows inner strength and how he isn't going to be knocked down by everyday struggles
E - Emotions: Anxious and on edge, but also powerful.

S - Screen Time: The most screen time is on the main boy (Ryan Lee)
T - Transitions: Smooth transitions makes it easy it follow and watch.
O - Order of Narrative: Linear order, they follow a story line.
P - Pace: Various paces, they speed parts up but also have sections in slow motion
S - SFX: Floating bears, Keys flying to his hand, Electric ball in the end scene.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Music Video Analysis Practise

This is America - Childish Gambino

F - Frame
A - Angle
M - Movement

Mise En Scene:
C - Costume
L - Lighting
A - Actor
M - Makeup
P - Props

S - Screen Time
T - Transitions
O - Order of Narrative
P - Pace

1. How is this video commenting on historical, social, cultural and political issues?
Dancing and shocking violence with the uncomfortable juxtaposition with reference to black lives and culture.
2. What is the role of Glover in the video?
He is a microcosm for America.
3. How does this promote him as an artist?
He come across as someone who values equality and wants to see social change.
4. In the opening scenes, Glover uses grotesque smiles and exaggerated poses, why?
Glover was commenting o racism by referring to Jim Crow and how black people were used as entertainment. 
5. Guns vs black lives - what representation is constructed here?
Guns are treated better than black lives: the gun is carried off carefully by a nicely-dressed man.
6. What is the significance of the choir?
A direct reference to the 2015 Charleston massacre in a church. 
7. Camera pan to black men on mobiles? What is the significance of this?
Refers to the case of Stephen Clark, shot dead because they thought he was armed when in actual fact he only had an iphone on him.
8. Why the White horse in the background of the frame?
Refers to the Bible, Revelations 6:8
9. Juxtaposition of dancing and violence, why?
Could be read as people happily adopting black culture and turning a blind eye to the violence it can affect on black people.
10. What do the empty cars and burning police car signify?
The empty cars could possibly signify black stereotypes and how they could be potentially 'stolen'
11. What is the significance of 17 seconds of silence?
The seventeen second pause in the music video help represent and signifies the seventeen children killed in a school shooting in America.
12. What is the intertextual reference in the closing scene?
The intertextual reference in the closing scene is a reference to the movie 'Get Out' and how they are trying to escape from something.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Charity Essay

Analyse how social and cultural context can influence advertising. Use figure 3 to support your answer.
In your answer:
- Analyse how social and cultural influence advertising
- Make judgements and reach a conclusion on why they advertised in this way
(15 marks)
Advertising such as the shelter campaign are hard hitting and make audiences aware of life threatening problems happening in modern society such as homelessness which is being demonstrated in figure three.
By using a subject that is sensitive to some people and can affect many people lives one way or another it influences the importance of the advertisement and how people view it.
For example, in this advertisement, it showcases the damage things like debt and loosing a job can lead to. The people used in the advert look like normal everyday people. By illustrating them in this way, it pronounces the importance of the issue being raised in the advert.
The actors used in the campaign are looking directly at the camera with a concerned facial expression and the language used suggests that the main person in the posters is using direct address to almost communicate with the reader and get their attention to help them. This can also be seen in the type of language used such as "I can't face it" the negativity used represents that the woman is looking for help. They also use rhetorical questions to make the audience think about what they can do to help and to contribute to the social issue.
In the campaign, they use both male and females, that way they publicise that the problems could happen to anyone and that it's not just prone to one gender, it also takes away from the stereotypical thoughts of a homeless person as the people in the advert look like everyday people.
Shelter campaign use adults in their advert as they are more relatable to the target audience.
In conclusion, social and cultural context influence advertising by relating to the target audience and showcasing modern problems that are becoming more of an issue over time.

Shelter Campaign Analysis

Friday, March 15, 2019

Minecraft Merchandise

Minecraft Essay

Minecraft is a multi-platform, open sandbox game. It started of as an 'indie' game created by a Swedish programmer Marcus "Notch" Perrson in 2009. The game soon became critically ad commercially successful. It was then sold to a big commercial company - Mojang.
In Minecraft, players are able to build structures, and destroy landscapes made out of 3D textured blocks, the main activity to do in the game is mine for different resources and create a world of your own with anything you would want. The game also contains aspects of combat and exploration.

There are two main types of modes that players can use in minecraft:
Survival - This mode is where players must collect resources, build structures, battle mobs, manage hunger levels, and explore the world in an effort to survive and create a successful world. Players are able to play survival mode in either single player or multiplayer. Single player was added in 2009 whereas multiplayer was added in early 2010.
Creative - Creative mode takes away most of the aspects that are in survival mode and allows players to easily create and destroy mechanisms. The player does not need to worry about health, damage, collecting resources, battling mobs as none of that matters when in creative mode. Creative mode was added to the original minecraft in 2009.

Minecraft has been a large commercial success, with over 154 million copies sold by late 2018 with an estimate of 91 million monthly players on the servers spread across 116 different countries where minecraft is accessible. On its release, the game won five awards at three conferences, including an Innovation Award, Best Debut Game, Best Downloadable Game, Audience Award and Seumas McNally Grand Prize. In November 2011, prior to the game's official release, Minecraft had over 16 million registered users and 4 million purchases. Due to its popularity, Minecraft was released across multiple platforms becoming a commercially viable franchise with increased interactivity.

Minecraft has influenced popular culture, thanks to the rising use of social media and technology. Video channels such as Ali-A on Youtube have developed a large follow rating (over 16 million people) and also gamers on Twitch, research showed that one-third of Minecraft players learned about the game and learnt how to play the game form the internet and by watching videos. A simple search for Minecraft  on Youtube will bring up over 100 million different results. The game has also made millions of dollars through selling merchandise such as t-shirts and toys. This mass popularity in the game has caused its own convention to start up called Minecon

Monday, March 4, 2019

Minecraft - Ali-A

1. How many subscriptions does Ali-A have for his YouTube channel?
Over 16 million subscribers on his main channel, Ali A, with an additional 5 million on his second channel, Morealia

2) How many years have he been doing this?
He's been uploading to YouTube for over 10 years from when he started in 2009

3) Why did he start playing Minecraft?
His audience kept asking him to make YouTube videos on Minecraft so he done it

4) What does he say he is trying to do with his content?
Post content of what his audience asked for, which is how he got as big as he is.

5) Describe his average working day
Wakes up between 12-2pm, turn on setup and start computer, then get ready and by 3-4pm, makes 3 videos a day. 2 videos on mine-craft channel then another video of cod channel. makes 1st video for 7 then next for 10pm then final video 1am. 

6) Why might we watch YouTubers?
Personally, we watch youtubers because of the way the youtuber makes the content entertaining with the video game or idea adding onto this.

7) What is Twitch and what is the average time spent on it by a viewer?
Twitch is a live streaming service which allows viewers to watch people play video games in live time. Average viewer spends 4 hours.

8) How much do you estimate that Ali-A earns in a year? 
Estimated to be $2.5million

9) How much was Minecraft purchased for? 
$2.5 billion by Microsoft

10) What are 3 reasons behind Microsoft’s purchase?
a) Money 
b) To expand to all of the different devices 
c) New audience to Microsoft 

11) How might this affect the game? 
Oversee the development in the future, offers more support and infrastructure so Minecraft can be made bigger and better in the future,

12) What is Minecraft’s biggest asset?
The community 

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Radio 1 Podcast

1) What was the task you were assigned?
We were given that task to create a three minute podcast that reflected something similar to that of the BBC Radio 1 breakfast show with Greg James.
2) Who was in your group and what was everyone's role in the task?
Leo - Radio Presenter
Lily - Radio Presenter
Rosie - Weather and News
Daisy - Editor
3) Who did you interview?
We interviewed different callers and a celebrity (Tom Holland).
4) What tracks did you choose and why?
We chose to use British artists such as Sam Smith, Catfish and the Bottlemen and Adele.
5) What was the running order?
To begin with, Leo opened up the show, then we played a tack, we then moved onto the interviews, another track plays and we end on the news and weather.
6) Who is your target audience?
15-29 year old
7) How did you relate to/ attract your audience?
We used well known celebrity names and recent tracks that are big and widely listened too by a younger audience.
8) What was your initial feedback?

9) Identify what went well and what you would do differently:
WWW - I think we worked together as a group successfully and managed to complete that task that was given to us in a high standard.
EBI - Make sure to use the time given yo you wisely so that you don't miss deadlines.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Essay - Radio 1 Breakfast

How is BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show reaching, targeting and encouraging audience interaction?

A way that BBC Radio 1 breakfast show is targeting and reaching out to audiences is because when they are broadcasting, they host quizzes and games that are only accessible if you listen to the show when it's on air or on demand. As a result of this, those people who are interested and want to take part will tune in regularly.

Another way Radio 1 helps to entice the audience through various contraptions such as competitions and games that potentially done correctly leads to a significant rewards. The target audience is incorporated alongside with the music choice and genre as the audience that listen enjoy the music and tune back into the vast playlist or remixes. They manage to get the audience to return is due to the originality of the show.Radio 1 reaches to their audience by throwing huge events such as their Big Weekend music festival. The big weekend is music festival run by BBC Radio 1 that is held annually throughout different UK venues. Whilst it used to be the biggest free ticked event in the UK, it now charges a fee of £15 but is still a huge event where thousands of people still attend. This hit music festival is one of many reasons why the audience of the Breakfast Show is keep, even through the show’s rough times.

Another reason of why the Breakfast Show’s audience is always being reached out to is because of 
the show’s social media and how often Greg James and his production team and on social media, interacting with their audience. They have an instagram, snapchat, twitter and facebook page where they connect with their audience via giveaways, game shows, and links to the show. From here, the audience can react and interact with Greg James and other members of the audience via answering game show questions, taking part in the show’s wacky games and then replying and commenting in audiences comments and posts.

Radio 1 - Research

- How old is the BBC
96 years - Since 18th October 1922

- Who is Lord Reith and what connection does he have with the BBC?
John Reith (1889 - 1971) was the founder of the BBC. He was its first general manager when it was set up as the British Broadcasting Company in 1922; and he was its first director general when it became a public corporation. 

- When did it start broadcasting Radio 1?
30th September 1967

- What are the BBC's five Public Purposes, as set out in the Royal Charter?
1. To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them.
2. To support learning for people of all ages.
3. To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services.
4. To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all the United Kingdom's nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom.
5. To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world.

- What is the BBC's Mission?
To inform, educate and entertain.

-What is the BBC's Vision?
To be the mos creative organisation in the world.

- What are the BBC's Values?
1. Trust foundation of the BBC: we are independent, impartial and honest.
2. We take pride in delivering quality and value for money 
3. Audiences are at the heart of everything we do.
4. We respect each other and celebrate our diversity so that everyone can give their best. 
5. We are one BBC; great things happen when we work together.

- What does the licence fee cover?
Over 90% of the licence fee is spent on BBC TV channels, radio stations, BBC iPlayer and online services. The costs of administering the TV Licenses are less than you might think. For every £1 taken in licence fee payments, just 3p is spent on collection. A standard TV Licence now costs £150.50.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Jungle Book Interview

BBC Radio 1 Timings

News and Weather
Programme indent and sting
Start talking amongst themselves, discussing topics that relate to the studio crew.
Starting to talk about what is coming up on the radio as well as giveaways to festivals and such, talks to the audience like a mate.
Programme indent and sting
‘Just got paid’ by Sigala
Programme indent and sting
‘Young, dumb and broke’ by Khalid
Greg James talking about upcoming songs, interactivity with the audience along with a phone call, for example, Kerry's crush countdown along with some other crush countdowns.
‘Baby’ - Clean Bandit
Greg James just casually talking to the audiences about the previous conversation before the song and then goes on to remind people what is coming up. after this ‘The Walker’ Christine and the Queens.
News and Weather
7:31.25 – 7:31.25
Programme ident . station ident
‘one, radio one breakfast’ station indent, introduces Greg James – interacting with the audience
Programme ident, sting – Greg James mentioned
7:32- 7:35
(Jax jones feat. Years & years – ‘play’)   - programme ident / sting
7:35- 7:39
(Katy Perry, ‘chained to the rhythm’) radio one jam slam overview
8:14- 8:16
(Post Malone ‘wow’) countdown to jam slam
8:16- 8:20
(jess Glynne plays)
8:20- 8:22
Greg discusses a popular Netflix film (cardi b clips) (Katy Perry clip)
8:22- 8:23
Mentioned Rami Malik (Freddie Mercury) in reference to an award ceremony ‘awkward moment’
8:23 – 8:24
No Oscars host – Kevin Hart interview
8:24 – 8:25
Programme ident , 2x stings / station ident
8:25- 8:27
(the vaccines – ‘all my friends’)
8:27 – 8:28
Sting – Greg mentions radio 1 breakfast again, jam slam advertised again
News begins – news beats (sting)
8:28- 8:29
News beat (sting) station ident, Political interview with mum about hunger, migrant talk a lot
8:29- 8:30
Christian Hugel regarding meat interview, News beat / STING
Track – Real life, Duke Dumont
Programme ident
Track – Sweet but psycho, Ava Max
Intro into studio crew – discuss what’s coming up
Talks about a series ‘breaking dad’ on ITV
Track – Who R U? Anderson.Paak
Reads out audiences messages related to their reactions on ‘breaking bad’ and what has been speaking about previously
Greg announces a star listener, giving a prize as a cookbook and a cassette for Mabel’s album
Track – Shake it off, Taylor Swift
8:57 (2:24)
Track – Nothing breaks like a hear, Miley Cyrus
9:01 (2:28)
’10 minute takeover’ – STING, Greg gives out the phone number to pick 3 songs chosen by the audience
9:02 (2:29)
Picked a random person to choose their first song for ’10 minute takeover’
Track – Freed from desire, Gala Rizzatto
Track – Give me the love, Sean Paul
Track – Girls and Boys,
End of 10-minute takeover, recalls the songs and people who sent them in and says they will be doing another 10-minute takeover tomorrow
Programme ident, sting
Track – Without me, Halsey
9:17 (2:44)
Track – Medicine, bring me the horizons
Track -  Bring me the horizon, Medicine. Genre = pop, pop rock, alternative rock
Discussion by Greg James.
9: 25
Album promotion for 1975. Track – 1975, Girls. Genre = rock, pop, alternative rock
Small discussion. Track – Losing It, Fisher. Genre = house
News beat – politics, general news, and sport.
Track – Sigrid, Sucker Punch. Ident. Genre = pop
Track – Imagine Dragons, Thunder. Genre = synth-pop
Track – Kojey Radical and Mahalia, One night only. Lead to a short discussion about The Artist.  Genre = R&B/soul
Ident. Track – Major Lazer Light it up. Genre = Moombahton, Dance/synth.   Track – Sia, Elastic heart. Genre = electric pop trap.
End show

 How does the programme promotes British music?
The songs are repeated, when the track is finished it will state the name and artist to help entice the listener to re-listen and spread the word about a specific artist.

● What percentage of tracks played during your slot were British?
75% of the songs played ¾ were British, with the other song being from Canada.

● What genres of music were played during your slot?  Do a tally.
Electronic, indie rock, House, Pop, Dance, Garage, hip hop, grime

● Celebrity interviews – who is being interviewed and what are they being interviewed about?  How many of the interviews are with British people?
The only person being interviewed was ex- England cricketer Graeme Swann, he is British, this was done to help promote the giveaway.

● News items – list the stories and identify which relate to Britain.
English footballer talked about injury and potential return, the drone problem in and around the airport how the military might need to get involved.

● Quizzes and games – what can you win?
Tickets to the cricket world cup.

● How does the broadcast fits into the BBC ethos of ‘informing, educating and entertaining’?
The broadcast gives entertainment to listeners by adding comedy and relevant topics that people can relate, the news updates every half an hour help to inform people on everything that's going on and all the important things happening, this also educates people of around the world topics.

● How does it differ from commercial breakfast shows?
They don’t advertise any commercials that aren’t to do with the BBC unlike other broadcasters that play commercials to advertise businesses or companies.

 Who you think the audience is from the content of your section?  What evidence do you have for this?
People aged 10+, some of the vocabulary used and some of the topics talked about during the segment may not be acceptable for young children.

●What platforms is the show is distributed on?
Ipad, Phones, Laptops, Ipods, TV

Friday, January 18, 2019

Last slide questions

1. What is the audience score for JB67 & JB16 on Rotten Tomatoes?
  • JB67 - 86%
  • JB16 - 95% 
2. Summaries some of the positive and negative responses from audiences.

Positive 1967-  The result is thoroughly delightful. The reasons for its success lie in Disney's own unfettered animals spirits, his ability to be childlike without being childish.
Negative - A sporadically entertaining yet hopeless uneven bit of animated film making.
Positive 2016 - It's the very rare remake that's actually better than the original. The Jungle Book is that rarity.
Negative 2016 - Clean, cleverly judged, and hyper controlled. It represents, in short, the state of the art. Without disputing that, i would simply ask, what talent?

3.Are there any comments that stand out to you? why?

The negative comment on the 2016 film confused me as it had a large positive rating and it was the only bad critic given to the film.

OCR Fact Sheet

Jungle Book

Jungle Book Workbook

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Jungle Book

Areas of study - 

Production -
  1. Development: The script is written and drafted into a workable blueprint for a film.
  2. Pre-production: Preparations are made for the shoot, in which cast and crew are hired, locations are selected, and sets are built. 
  3. Production: The film footage is shot.
  4. Post-production: The film is edited; productions sound (dialogue) is concurrently (but separately) edited, music tracks (and songs) are composed, performed and recorded; sound effects are designed and recorded; and any other computer-graphic 'visual' effects are digitally added, all sound elements are mixed into "stems" then the stems are mixed then married to picture and the film is fully completed ("locked").
Distribution - 
  1. Describes everything between production and how the film gets to an audience.
  2. The film is screened for potential buyers, is picked up by a distributor, and a marketing and release plan are developed. The film is duplicated as required for distribution to cinemas.
  3. The business of getting films to their audiences by booking them for runs in cinemas and getting them there.
  4. It includes all of the financial deals done to get films shown and promoted.
Marketing - 
  1. This is the business of creating campaigns to promote the film, e.g. posters, apps.
  2. Press kits, posters, and other advertising materials are published and the film is advertised. Films are usually released with a launch party, press release, interviews with the press, press preview screenings, and film festival screenings. Most films have a website and a trailer.
Exhibition -
  1. The way people consume films (DVD's, cinemas).
  2. About how the audience see the film, box office intake, reviews, awards.
  3. The film is released to cinemas for exhibition, in order to reach its cinema and/or home media audience. The film plays at selected cinemas and the DVD is typically released a few months later.
Ownership - 
  1.      Ownership is all about different film companies owning each other and providing each other with the money, ideas for films and finance.
  2. Major companies own others within the industry in order for more films to be produced.
  3. Ownership types: Horizontal Integration, Vertical Integration.
Horizontal Integration: When the Production Company expands into other areas of one industry. It can acquire or merge with other companies that do the same thing to help eliminate competition. The profits will be shared amongst each company.

Synergy -
  • Synergy is when the interaction of two or more forces working together creates a greater effect than the sum of their individual efforts.
  • Media synergy is the way in which different elements of a media conglomerate work together to promote linked products across different media.
  • Synergy works when different elements within a media conglomerate promote, create linked products.
  • Each distinct element promotes the other.
Conglomerate: When two or more companies engage in a multi-industry company.

Key Facts - Jungle Book 2016 + 1967: