Thursday, September 27, 2018

Boyz n da Hood

Mise en Scene -
C - The main character is displayed in rather formal clothing, contrasting with the other children who are dressed in quite rough and tumble, typical children's wear, clothing.
L - Natural lighting is used in the "children walking to school scene" as it's daylight and clear skies. In the school scene, three point lighting is used for a natural look.
A - The main actors in the clip are all children in primary school with the exception of their teacher.
M - No makeup is used on the children as that wouldn't have been needed in that time era, however, the teacher may be wearing natural looking makeup as she is older.
P - A key and significant prop shown in the clip is the poster of the current president as it is seen with multiple bullet holes in it, clearly showing the viewer that the people living in the neighbourhood are clearly unhappy with choice in power.
S - A normal street to begin with that then cuts to a rough area lined with police tape. The scene then transitions into an ordinary school.

Sound -
M - N/a
C - Contrapuntal
D - Diegetic
O - Both off screen and on screen moments
V - No voice over used.
E - There are many moments when the emotion of the music changes. E.g. In the beginning, there is stressful dialogue about violence whereas in the class room it is more chilled out and relaxed.
D - There is dialogue throughout the entire clip where the actors go from discussing violence, to having a normal conversation and then transitioning back to violence.

Genre -
D - The short clip opens with off screen dialogue about guns and violence and suddenly transitions to children walking to school.
S - Rough neighbourhood, not typical for children.
T - The main theme is violence.
I - The main props used are the police tape covering the poster of the president with bullet holes in it and also the graphic children's drawings of death and violence.
N - N/a
C - Young children, a teacher, and Tre's mother.
T - N/a

Ghost Ship

Genre -
D - Large curly pink writing, suggesting the film is a romantic, juxtaposes the genre of the film which is actually horror.
S - A large cruise ship in the middle of the ocean around the 1960s.
T - Murder and violence due to all the death but also there could be aspects of loneliness with the girl sat on her own and also love because of all the people dancing with each other.
I - The wire is scene as the significant prop as that is what drives the film into the next scenes.
N - Open ballroom on a cruise.
C - People of all ages but focusing on a little girl of about 11 or 12.

Camera -

  • Birds eye - creates an importance of the deck.
  • Framing of the girl - centre of film.
Sound - 
M - bandstand, music of that era.
C - Contrapuntal
D - Diegetic
O - Off screen and on screen.
V - No voice over
E - Relaxing but turns to a false sense of security
D - small dialogue at the end spoken in Spanish.

Editing - 
S - The singer is the main focus along with the little girl using panoramic and birds eye shots to display them both and also the main frame of the boat.
T - Smooth transitions to reflect the precision used to execute the horrific evening and how smoothly it had to go in order to work.
O - Chronological order.
P - Slow pace to create a tranquil setting in order to trick the viewer into a false sense of security.
S - There is constant music playing whether it be diegetic or non diegetic to keep it interesting.

Mise en Scene -
C - Formal wear (dinner jackets, suits) to match the formal occasion.
L - Unsaturated, Three point lighting used in some areas.
A - 20s and above with the exception of the lone little girl.
M - Natural makeup so it doesn't distract the viewer form everything else that is already happening.
P -  Significant use of flowers to juxtapose the tragedy that is about to occur. The flowers could also resemble flowers used in a funeral.


Image result for liesbet van zoonen
Liesbet Van Zoonen.

Liesbet Van Zoonen - 
"Common sense has led many of us to believe that women and men relate differently. Women drive cars, men repair them; women live in houses, men build them; women take the pill, men refine it."

Liesbet Van Zoonen wrote the Feminist theory with four main parts:
Image result for jimmy choo man
  1. We get our ideas about gender through discourse (communication through media). E.g. magazines construct many traditional representations of gender that relate specifically to the time and society in which they were produced.
  2. She believes our ideas about gender have to be looked at and changed depending on the historical and cultural context. E.g. views about gender today are different to what they were 50 years ago and views on gender will be different depending on where you are in the world you are.
  3. Liesbet Van Zoonen believes that women are objectified ( core element of western patriarchal culture) in the media. For example in the Jimmy Choo Men poster, the female model doesn't get her face shown because people believe she should only be showing off her "assets" i.e. her slender legs.
  4. Liesbet Van Zoonen believes that women and men are seen and shown very differently. She believes that there is an underlying frame of reference in which women belong to the family and domestic life and men to the social world of politics and work.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Premier Editing

Using Premier, I edited a video containing different clips and effects.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

TV Poster Analysis

TV Poster Analysis:
S - In front of a stereotypical American apartment complex in 1990s as shown through by the riser stairs on the building.
T - The theme represented could be friendship and love as each of the characters are within close quarters of each other smiling and having fun.
I - The significant props used are the flowers and champagne bottle in Ross' hand. This represents a celebration further represented by the smart clothes each character is wearing.
C - Six friends who have known each other for many years.
T - LS, Eye - level, Track out.

Denotation -
Six friends walking down the street smiling and laughing with each other.
Connotation -
The six friends shown are all very close with each other with the couples (Chandler & Monica, Ross & Rachel) next to each other, representing each relationship. Phoebe and Joey are on the end as they are not in a couple within the friendship group, but they are the closest friends out of the six.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Hybrid genre -
Combination of genres (e.g. Rom-com)

Semiotics - 
Study of signs, also, anything which stands for 'something else'

Denotation - 
What we see when we look at an image.

Connotation - 
What we understand from this image.

Steve Neale

Steve Neale - Genre Theory

  • The ideas that genre may be dominated by repetition but are also marked by variation, difference and change.
  • The idea that genre changes, develops, varies and borrows and overlaps with one another.Image result for steve neale

Tuesday, September 11, 2018



D - Describe (in detail)
S - Setting (location, historical time period)
T - Theme (love, guilt, revenge, good vs evil)
I - Icon (significant props e.g. weapon)
N - Narrative (plot)
C - Character (boy/girl)
T - Textual analysis (style of camera, editing, mise en scene, and sound)

  • Genre: Historical
  • S - Infront of a blank wall, laying and kneeling on grass. the plain backdrop/background helps to capture the focal point of the picture.
  • T - The theme represented could be guilt or sadness as we see a soldier kneeling over a fallen comrade.
  • I - The significant prop used were helmets that resemble those of WW2 to represent the historical time period.
  • N - Soldiers in WW2.
  • C - Two young men, ordinary background/upbringing.
  • T - One shot, no editing needed, simple mise en scene, no sound.

  • Genre: Musical
  • S - In front of a bank wall, sitting on the grass. The plain background doesn't distract from the focal point of the photo.
  • T - The theme represented could be companionship as we see two young men working together to be successful musicians.
  • I - The significant props used where the trumpet and guitar as they represent both the genre and the theme.
  • C - Two young men, rough background/upbringing.
  • T - One shot, no editing needed, simple mise en scene, no sound.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Introduction to A level Media

L - Camera: One shot movements
      Music: Dramatic and intense music/sound affects
      Editing: Clothing and technology match the late 1980s. Dark and dim colours are used in order to create an unwelcoming atmosphere.
I - Topic: Horror Movie
     Money: $123.4 million
A - Target audience: Age 15 +
R- Who: 15 +, Any gender, any ethnicity
     What: Located in America, No real message
My Top 3 Media forms:
1. Internet - Netflix
2. Film - The Proposal
3. Social - Snapchat