Thursday, September 13, 2018

TV Poster Analysis

TV Poster Analysis:
S - In front of a stereotypical American apartment complex in 1990s as shown through by the riser stairs on the building.
T - The theme represented could be friendship and love as each of the characters are within close quarters of each other smiling and having fun.
I - The significant props used are the flowers and champagne bottle in Ross' hand. This represents a celebration further represented by the smart clothes each character is wearing.
C - Six friends who have known each other for many years.
T - LS, Eye - level, Track out.

Denotation -
Six friends walking down the street smiling and laughing with each other.
Connotation -
The six friends shown are all very close with each other with the couples (Chandler & Monica, Ross & Rachel) next to each other, representing each relationship. Phoebe and Joey are on the end as they are not in a couple within the friendship group, but they are the closest friends out of the six.

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