Thursday, September 27, 2018


Image result for liesbet van zoonen
Liesbet Van Zoonen.

Liesbet Van Zoonen - 
"Common sense has led many of us to believe that women and men relate differently. Women drive cars, men repair them; women live in houses, men build them; women take the pill, men refine it."

Liesbet Van Zoonen wrote the Feminist theory with four main parts:
Image result for jimmy choo man
  1. We get our ideas about gender through discourse (communication through media). E.g. magazines construct many traditional representations of gender that relate specifically to the time and society in which they were produced.
  2. She believes our ideas about gender have to be looked at and changed depending on the historical and cultural context. E.g. views about gender today are different to what they were 50 years ago and views on gender will be different depending on where you are in the world you are.
  3. Liesbet Van Zoonen believes that women are objectified ( core element of western patriarchal culture) in the media. For example in the Jimmy Choo Men poster, the female model doesn't get her face shown because people believe she should only be showing off her "assets" i.e. her slender legs.
  4. Liesbet Van Zoonen believes that women and men are seen and shown very differently. She believes that there is an underlying frame of reference in which women belong to the family and domestic life and men to the social world of politics and work.

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