Thursday, September 27, 2018

Boyz n da Hood

Mise en Scene -
C - The main character is displayed in rather formal clothing, contrasting with the other children who are dressed in quite rough and tumble, typical children's wear, clothing.
L - Natural lighting is used in the "children walking to school scene" as it's daylight and clear skies. In the school scene, three point lighting is used for a natural look.
A - The main actors in the clip are all children in primary school with the exception of their teacher.
M - No makeup is used on the children as that wouldn't have been needed in that time era, however, the teacher may be wearing natural looking makeup as she is older.
P - A key and significant prop shown in the clip is the poster of the current president as it is seen with multiple bullet holes in it, clearly showing the viewer that the people living in the neighbourhood are clearly unhappy with choice in power.
S - A normal street to begin with that then cuts to a rough area lined with police tape. The scene then transitions into an ordinary school.

Sound -
M - N/a
C - Contrapuntal
D - Diegetic
O - Both off screen and on screen moments
V - No voice over used.
E - There are many moments when the emotion of the music changes. E.g. In the beginning, there is stressful dialogue about violence whereas in the class room it is more chilled out and relaxed.
D - There is dialogue throughout the entire clip where the actors go from discussing violence, to having a normal conversation and then transitioning back to violence.

Genre -
D - The short clip opens with off screen dialogue about guns and violence and suddenly transitions to children walking to school.
S - Rough neighbourhood, not typical for children.
T - The main theme is violence.
I - The main props used are the police tape covering the poster of the president with bullet holes in it and also the graphic children's drawings of death and violence.
N - N/a
C - Young children, a teacher, and Tre's mother.
T - N/a

1 comment:

  1. Camera shots and editing? You can merge the camera shots with the mise en scene to describe for eg the low angle close up shot of the stop sign signifies...
    There is quite a lot of sound to discuss also. Good editing analysis don't forget the dissolve from exterior to children's drawings as that's quite significant.
