Tuesday, September 11, 2018



D - Describe (in detail)
S - Setting (location, historical time period)
T - Theme (love, guilt, revenge, good vs evil)
I - Icon (significant props e.g. weapon)
N - Narrative (plot)
C - Character (boy/girl)
T - Textual analysis (style of camera, editing, mise en scene, and sound)

  • Genre: Historical
  • S - Infront of a blank wall, laying and kneeling on grass. the plain backdrop/background helps to capture the focal point of the picture.
  • T - The theme represented could be guilt or sadness as we see a soldier kneeling over a fallen comrade.
  • I - The significant prop used were helmets that resemble those of WW2 to represent the historical time period.
  • N - Soldiers in WW2.
  • C - Two young men, ordinary background/upbringing.
  • T - One shot, no editing needed, simple mise en scene, no sound.

  • Genre: Musical
  • S - In front of a bank wall, sitting on the grass. The plain background doesn't distract from the focal point of the photo.
  • T - The theme represented could be companionship as we see two young men working together to be successful musicians.
  • I - The significant props used where the trumpet and guitar as they represent both the genre and the theme.
  • C - Two young men, rough background/upbringing.
  • T - One shot, no editing needed, simple mise en scene, no sound.

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