Friday, November 16, 2018

George Gerbner and Representation

George Gerbner:
Argues that exposure to repeated patterns of representation over a long period of time can shape and influence the way in which people perceive the world around them.

How does your chosen newspaper represent the issue?
Using bold striking font on 'MIRACLE BABY' it represents the issue as positive and uplifting as the word 'miracle' is usually used in a good light not negative.
How does the selection of images and language shape and influence the audience?
A small smiling baby will entice the reader as we care more for children (especially those who are ill) than other adults so it influences the reader to read the article.
What is the cumulative effect of these “repeated patterns of representation over long periods”?
With all of the negativity and harshness in the current news, by having a light, heartwarming story as the main one, it is helping in balancing out the ratios of negative to positive whilst also trying to bring a lighter effect to newspapers.

How does your chosen newspaper represent the issue?
The newspaper uses harsh language such as 'Starves' to add a negative and dark theme to the story and trying to make the NHS seem bad by bashing them over a mistake without noticing anything else.
How does the selection of images and language shape and influence the audience?
The main story uses harsh language adding a negative approach to the story however, the main image is of Kate Middleton which contradicts the story due to the joy that the Royal family brings the nation.
What is the cumulative effect of these “repeated patterns of representation over long periods”?
With the constant bashing and negativity in the news, it is drilling into people that everything is bad and nothing will ever come out of anything. They do this without looking at the whole picture. For example, the NHS starving 1,165 but did they just use the negative facts to make the NHS look bad?

Subjects in the news:

  • Pro/Anti Corbyn, May, Trump
  • Brexit/remain
  • Immigration
  • Muslims
  • Mass shootings
  • Rich/poor divide (Greenfield)
  • Syria/Burma/Libya refugee crisis. 

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